The deer feed on the level plain
And joyful call; then feed again。
My noble guests are gathered round。
The air is trilled with joyful sound。
Bright my future lies before me。
As the moonlight on this plain;
But I strive in vain to reach it。
When shall I my wish attain?
None can answer; and so sadness
Grips my inmost heart again。
Far north and south;
Wide east and west;
We safety seek;
Vain is the quest。
Humans heart oft yearns
For converse sweet。
And my heart burns
When old friends greet。
The stars are paled by the full moons light;
The raven wings his southward flight。
And thrice he circles round a tree;
No place thereon to rest finds he。
They weary not the mountains of great height;
The waters deep of depth do not plain;
Duke Zhou no leisure found by day or night
Stern toil is his who would the empire gain。〃
The song made they sang it with him and were all exceedingly merry; save one guest who suddenly said; 〃When the great army is on the point of battle and lives are about to be risked; why do you; O Prime Minister; speak such ill words?〃
Cao Cao turned quickly toward the speaker; who was Liu Fu; Imperial Protector of Yangzhou。 This Liu Fu sprang from Hefei。 When first appointed to his post; he had gathered in the terrified and frightened people and restored order。 He had founded schools and encouraged the people to till the land。 He had long served under Cao Cao and rendered valuable service。
When Liu Fu spoke; Cao Cao dropped his spear to the level and said; 〃What ill…omened words did I use?〃