fficult and dangerous。 You had better keep on the defensive。〃
〃How shall we be able to look our prince in the face when other leaders render good services? However; you just keep the hill; and I will go out to battle。〃
Then an order was issued asking who would go out to reconnoiter and provoke a battle。 Xiahou Shang volunteered。
Xiahou Yuan said to him; 〃You are not to make a real stand; but merely to begin the fight。 You are to lose and not win; for a grand ruse is ready for the enemy。〃
He explained his plans; and Xiahou Shang went away with a small column。
Now Huang Zhong and his helper Fa Zheng were camped quite close to the Dingjun Mountain。 They had endeavored to entice Xiahou Yuan out into the field to fight; but failed to attack him as he stood in that difficult; mountainous country。 So thus far no advance had been made。 But as soon as Xiahou Shangs troops appeared and seemed to offer battle; Huang Zhong was ready to march out to meet them at once。 But General Chen Shi; offered his services。
〃Do not trouble yourself to move; O General;〃 said Chen Shi; 〃for I will go out to fight them。〃
Huang Zhong consented; and placed three thousand troops under Chen Shi; who went out of the valley and set his army in array。 And when Xiahou Shang came up and; as arranged; merely fought a few bouts and ran away。 Chen Shi followed to take advantage of his success。 But he was soon brought to a standstill by the rolling of logs and hurling of stones on the part of his opponents。 As he turned to retire; Xiahou Yuan brought out his troops and attacked。 Chen Shi had no chance against them and was quickly made prisoner。 Many of his soldiers joined the enemy; but a few escaped to their own side and told Huang Zhong of the misfortune。
Huang Zhong at once asked advice from Fa Zheng; who said; 〃This Xiahou Yuan is easily provoked to anger; and being angry he is bold without discretion。 Your way now is to work up the enthusiasm of your soldiers; then break camp and advance。 Do this in a series of marches; and you will excite him up to the point of giving battle; when you can capture him。 They call this the Ruse of the Interchange of Host and Guest。〃
So Huang Zhong collected all the things his soldiers liked; and made them presents; till the sound of rejoicing filled the whole valley and the men were hot to fight。 Then camp was broken; and the army marched forward a certain distance。 Then they encamped。 After some days rest the march was repeated; and then again。
When tidings of the advance reached Xiahou Yuan; he proposed to go out and fight。
〃No; no;〃 said the prudent Zhang He。 〃This is a well known ruse; and you should remain on the defensive。 You will lose if you fight。〃
Xiahou Yuan was not the man to stomach this moderate advice; so he sent out Xiahou Shang to give battle。 As soon as this force reached the camp of Huang Zhong; the Veteran General mounted and rode out to fight。 In the very first bout he captured Xiahou Shang。 Those who escaped told how their leader had been captured; and Xiahou Yuan at once sent to offer an exchange of prisoners。 This was agreed to; to be effected the following day in front of both armies。
So next day both sides were arrayed in a spot where the valley widened; the two leaders on horseback beneath their respective standards。 Beside each stood his prisoner。 Neither was encumbered with robe or helmet; but each wore thin; simple dress。 At the first beat of the drum each started to race over to his own side。 Just as Xiahou Shang reached the ranks of his own side; Huang Zhong shot an arrow and wounded him in the back。 The wounded man did not fall; but went on。
But Xiahou Yuan; mad with rage; could contain himself no longer。 He galloped straight at Huang Zhong; which was exactly what the latter wanted to irritate him into doing。 The fight that then ensued went on for twenty bouts; when suddenly the gongs clanged out from Xiahou Yuans side and he drew off。 Huang Zhong pressed on and shattered the army of Wei。
When Xiahou Yuan reached his own side; he asked why the gong had sounded。
〃Because we saw the banners of Shu through openings in the mountains in several places; and we feared an ambush;〃 said Zhang He。
Xiahou Yuan believed him and did not return to the battlefield。 He simply remained defensive。
Before long; Huang Zhong had got quite near to Xiahou Yuans camp; and then he asked further advice from his colleague。
Fa Zheng pointed over to the hills and said; 〃There rises a steep hill on the west of Dingjun Mountain; difficult of access; but from its summit one has a plete view of the defenses of the enemy。 If you can take this hill; the mountain lies in the hollow of your hand。〃
Huang Zhong looked up and saw the top of the hill was a small tableland and there were very few defenders there。 So that evening he left his camp; dashed up the hill; drove out the small host of one hundred under Xiahou Yuans General Du Xi and took it。 It was just opposite to Dingjun Mountain。
Then said Fa Zheng; 〃Now take up position half way up the hill; while I go to the top。 When the enemy appears; I will show a white flag。 But you will remain quiet till the enemy bee tired and remiss; when I will hoist a red flag。 That will be the signal for attack。〃
Huang Zhong cheerfully prepared to act on this plan。 In the meantime Du Xi; who had been driven from the hill…top; had run back and reported the loss of the hill to Xiahou Yuan。
〃With Huang Zhong in occupation of that hill; I simply must give battle;〃 said Xiahou Yuan。
Zhang He strongly dissuaded him; saying; 〃The whole thing is but a ruse of Fa Zheng。 General; you had better defend our position。〃
But Xiahou Yuan was obstinate。
〃From the top of that hill the whole of our position is visible; our strength and our weakness。 I must fight。〃
In vain were the remonstrances repeated。 Xiahou Yuan set out his troops to surround the opposite hill and then began to vent his rage at his enemy so as to incite Huang Zhong to give battle。
Then the white flag was hoisted。 However; Xiahou Yuan was allowed to fume and rage in vain。 He tried every form of insult; but no one appeared。 In the afternoon the soldiers became weary and dispirited。 Plainly their eagerness had gone; and Fa Zheng unfurled the red flag。
Then the drums rolled out; and the men of Shu shouted till the earth seemed to shake as the hoary old leader rode out and led his force down the slope with a roar as of an earthquake。 Xiahou Yuan was too surprised to defend himself。 His chief enemy rushed straight to his standard。 With a thundering shout; Huang Zhong raised his sword and cleft Xiahou Yuan through between the head and shoulders so that he fell in two pieces。
Hoary headed is he; but he goes up to battle;
Gray haired; yet recklessly mighty;
With his strong arms he bends the bow;
The arrows fly。
With the swiftness of the wind he rides;