
小说园>三国演义英文版在线观看全集免费 > 第39部分(第1页)


essed the attack。 Huang Gai captured Jiaxing; and Taishi Ci took Wucheng。 Several other southern cities were fallen。 The territory was quickly subdued。 Yan Baihu rushed off toward Yuhang in the east; plundering on all sides; till a band of villagers under the leadership of one Ling Cao checked his career of robbery there。 Yan Baihu then fled toward Kuaiji。

Ling Cao and his son then went to meet Sun Ce; who took them into his service; and appointed them manders as a reward for their service; and the joint forces crossed the Great River。

The White Tiger; Yan Baihu; gathered his scattered forces and took up a position at Western Ford; but Cheng Pu attacked him there and scattered the defenders; chasing them as far as Kuaiji。 The Governor of the place; Wang Lang; was on Yan Baihus side and inclined to support him actively。

But; when Wang Lang proposed this; one of his officers stood forth; saying; 〃No! No! Sun Ce as a leader is humane and upright; while the White Tiger is a savage ruffian。 Rather capture him and offer his person as a peace offering to Sun Ce。〃

The Governor turned angrily toward the speaker; who was an official named Yu Fan from Kuaiji; and bade him be silent。 Yu Fan withdrew sighing deeply。 And the Governor went to the help of the White Tiger with whom he joined forces at Shanyin。

Sun Ce came up。 When both sides were arrayed; Sun Ce rode out and addressed Wang Lang; saying; 〃Mine is an army of good soldiers; and my aim is to restore peace to this region; but you give your support to a rebel!〃

Wang Lang replied; 〃Your greed is insatiable。 Having got possession of Wujun; you want also my territory。 I shall revenge for the Yans!〃

This response greatly angered Sun Ce。 Just as battle was to be joined; Taishi Ci advanced and Wang Lang came toward him waving a sword。 Before they had exchanged many passes; Zhou Xin dashed out to help Wang Lang。 Thereupon Huang Gai rode out to make the sides more equal。 These latter two were just engaging when the drums rolled on both sides; and a general battle began。

Suddenly confusion was caused in the rear of Wang Langs army by the sudden onslaught of a small army。 Wang Lang galloped off to see the attackers were Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu。 Then an attack was made on his flank; so that he was in a hopeless position; and he and Yan Baihu and Zhou Xin; fighting desperately to cut an alley out; only just managed to reach the shelter of the city。 The drawbridges were raised; the gates closed; and preparations made to sustain a siege。

Sun Ce followed right up to the walls and then divided his troops so as to attack all four gates。 Seeing that the city was being fiercely attacked; Wang Lang was for making a sortie; but Yan Baihu opposed this as hopeless against so strong a force outside。

〃We can only strengthen our position and remain behind the shelter of the ramparts until hunger forces the besiegers to retire;〃 said Yan Baihu。

Wang Lang agreed; and the siege went on。 For several days a vigorous attack was maintained; but with little success。

In a council; Sun Jing; who was the uncle of Sun Ce; said; 〃Since they are holding the city with such resolution; it will be difficult to dislodge them。 But the bulk of their supplies is stored at Chadu; distant only some ten miles。 Our best plan is to seize this place; thus attacking where the enemy is unprepared; and doing what they do not expect。〃

Sun Ce approved; saying; 〃My uncles plan is admirable and will crush the rebels。〃

So he issued orders to kindle watch fires at all the gates; and leave the flags standing to maintain the appearance of soldiers in position while the expedition went south。

Zhou Yu came to utter a warning; 〃When you; my lord; go away; the besieged will surely e out and follow you。 We might prepare a surprise for them。〃

Sun Ce replied; 〃My preparations are plete; and the city will be captured tonight。〃

So the army set out。 Wang Lang heard that the besiegers had gone; and he went up to the tower to reconnoiter。 He saw the fires blazing; the smoke rising; and the pennons fluttering in the breeze as usual and hesitated。

Zhou Xin said; 〃He has gone and this is only a strategy。 Let us go out and smite them。〃

Yan Baihu said; 〃If he has gone; it is to attack Chadu。 Let us pursue。〃

〃The place is our base of supply;〃 said Wang Lang; 〃and must be defended。 You two lead the way; and I will follow with reserves。〃

So Yan Baihu and Zhou Xin went forth with five thousand soldiers and drew near their enemy about the first watch; at seven miles from the city。 The road led through dense forest。 Then suddenly the drums beat and lighted torches sprang up on all sides。 Yan Baihu was frightened; turned his horse and started to retreat。 At once a leader appeared in front in whom; by the glare of the torches; he recognized Sun Ce。 Zhou Xin made a rush at him but fell under Sun Ces spear。 The men surrendered。 However; Yan Baihu managed to cut his way out and fled to Yuhang。

Wang Lang soon heard of the loss and; not daring to return to the city; fled in all haste to the coastal regions。 And so Sun Ce got possession of the city of Kuaiji。

Having restored order; a few days later a man came bringing the head of the White Tiger as an offering to Sun Ce。 This man was a native of the county。 He was of eight…span height; with a square face and wide mouth。 He was named Dong Xi。 Sun Ce appointed him mander。 After this; peace reigned in all the southeast。 Sun Ce placed his uncle Sun Jing in mand of the city and made Zhu Zhi Governor of Wujun。 Then Sun Ce returned to his own place; south of the Great River。

While Sun Ce was absent; a band of brigands suddenly attacked Xuancheng; left in the care of his brother Sun Quan and the leader Zhou Tai。 As the onslaught was made on all sides at once; and in the night; the brigands got the upper hand。 Zhou Tai took the youth in his arms and mounted a horse; but as the robbers came on with swords to attack him; he dismounted; and though without mail; met the robbers on foot and slew them as they came up。 Then came a horseman armed with a spear; but Zhou Tai laid hold of his spear and pulled him to the earth。 Then Zhou Tai mounted the robbers horse; and thrusting this way and that with the spear fought his way out。 So Sun Quan was preserved; but his savior had received more than a dozen wounds。 However; the bandits went away。

These wounds being due to metal would not heal but swelled enormously; and the brave soldiers life hung in the balance。 Sun Ce returned and was deeply grieved。

Then Dong Xi said; 〃Once in an engagement with some coastal pirates; I received many spear wounds; but a certain wise man named Yu Fan remended a surgeon who cured me in half a month。〃

〃Surely this must be Yu Fan of Kuaiji;〃 replied Sun Ce。 〃That is he; he is so called。〃

