
小说园>虹英文原著 电子版 > 第77部分(第2页)


into Derbyshire。 They had an endless wealth of things to talk

about。 And it was a great joy; finding; discovering。

But Ursula never told about Winifred Inger。 That was a sort

of secret side…show to her life; never to be opened。 She did not

even think of it。 It was the closed door she had not the

strength to open。

Once she was broken in to her teaching; Ursula began

gradually to have a new life of her own again。 She was going to

college in eighteen months time。 Then she would take her

degree; and she would……ah; she would perhaps be a big

woman; and lead a movement。 Who knows?……At any rate she

would go to college in eighteen months time。 All that mattered

now was work; work。

And till college; she must go on with this teaching in St。

Philips School; which was always destroying her; but which she

could now manage; without spoiling all her life。 She would

submit to it for a time; since the time had a definite


The class…teaching itself at last became almost mechanical。

It was a strain on her; an exhausting wearying strain; always

unnatural。 But there was a certain amount of pleasure in the

sheer oblivion of teaching; so much work to do; so many children

to see after; so much to be done; that ones self was forgotten。

When the work had bee like habit to her; and her individual

soul was left out; had its growth elsewhere; then she could be

almost happy。

Her real; individual self drew together and became more

coherent during these two years of teaching; during the struggle

against the odds of class teaching。 It was always a prison to

her; the school。 But it was a prison where her wild; chaotic

soul became hard and independent。 When she was well enough and

not tired; then she did not hate the teaching。 She enjoyed

getting into the swing of work of a morning; putting forth all

her strength; making the thing go。 It was for her a strenuous

form of exercise。 And her soul was left to rest; it had the time

of torpor in which to gather itself together in strength again。

But the teaching hours were too long; the tasks too heavy; and

the disciplinary condition of the school too unnatural for her。

She was worn very thin and quivering。

