
小说园>rainbow 英文儿歌彩虹 > 第19部分(第2页)


they were afraid of her。 She did not care if they broke a window

of a railway carriage or sold their watches to have a revel at

the Goose Fair。 Brangwen was perhaps angry over these things。 To

the mother they were insignificant。 It was odd little things

that offended her。 She was furious if the boys hung around the

slaughter…house; she was displeased when the school reports were

bad。 It did not matter how many sins her boys were accused of;

so long as they were not stupid; or inferior。 If they seemed to

brook insult; she hated them。 And it was only a certain

gaucherie; a gawkiness on Annas part that irritated her

against the girl。 Certain forms of clumsiness; grossness; made

the mothers eyes glow with curious rage。 Otherwise she was

pleased; indifferent。

Pursuing her splendid…lady ideal; Anna became a lofty

demoiselle of sixteen; plagued by family shortings。 She was

very sensitive to her father。 She knew if he had been drinking;

were he ever so little affected; and she could not bear it。 He

flushed when he drank; the veins stood out on his temples; there

was a twinkling; cavalier boisterousness in his eye; his manner

was jovially overbearing and mocking。 And it angered her。 When

she heard his loud; roaring; boisterous mockery; an anger of

resentment filled her。 She ; the

moment he came in。

〃You look a sight; you do; red in the face;〃 she cried。

〃I might look worse if I was green;〃 he answered。

〃Boozing in Ilkeston。〃

〃And whats wrong wi Ilson?〃

She flounced away。 He watched her with amused; twinkling

eyes; yet in spite of himself said that she flouted him。

They were a curious family; a law to themselves; separate

from the world; isolated; a small republic set in invisible

bounds。 The mother was quite indifferent to Ilkeston and

Cossethay; to any claims made on her from outside; she was very

shy of any outsider; exceedingly courteous; winning even。 But

the moment the visitor had gone; she laughed and dismissed him;

he did not exist。 It had been all a game to her。 She was still a

foreigner; unsure of her ground。 But alone with her own children

and husband at the Marsh; she was mistress of a little native

land that lacked nothing。

She had some beliefs somewhere; never defined。 She had been

