
小说园>简爱英文版txt百度 > 第54部分(第2页)


Adèle heard him; and asked if she was to go to school “sans mademoiselle?”

“Yes;” he replied; “absolutely sans mademoiselle; for I am to take mademoiselle to the moon; and there I shall seek a cave in one of the white valleys among the volcano…tops; and mademoiselle shall live with me there; and only me。”

“She will have nothing to eat: you will starve her;” observed Adèle。

“I shall gather manna for her morning and night: the plains and hillsides in the moon are bleached with manna; Adèle。”

“She will want to warm herself: what will she do for a fire?”

“Fire rises out of the lunar mountains: when she is cold; I’ll carry her up to a peak; and lay her down on the edge of a crater。”

“Oh; qu’ elle y sera mal—peu fortable! And her clothes; they will wear out: how can she get new ones?”

Mr。 Rochester professed to be puzzled。 “Hem!” said he。 “What would you do; Adèle? Cudgel your brains for an expedient。 How would a white or a pink cloud answer for a gown; do you think? And one could cut a pretty enough scarf out of a rainbow。”

“She is far better as she is;” concluded Adèle; after musing some time: “besides; she would get tired of living with only you in the moon。 If I were mademoiselle; I would never consent to go with you。”

“She has consented: she has pledged her word。”

“But you can’t get her there; there is no road to the moon: it is all air; and neither you nor she can fly。”

“Adèle; look at that field。” We were now outside Thornfield gates; and bowling lightly along the smooth road to Millcote; where the dust was well laid by the thunderstorm; and; where the low hedges and lofty timber trees on each side glistened green and rain… refreshed。

“In that field; Adèle; I was walking late one evening about a fortnight since—the evening of the day you helped me to make hay in the orchard meadows; and; as I was tired with raking swaths; I sat down to rest me on a stile; and there I took out a little book and a pencil; and began to write about a misfortune that befell me long ago; and a wish I had for happy days to e: I was writing away very fast; though daylight was fading from the leaf; when something came up the path and stopped two yards off me。 I looked at it。 It was a little thing with a veil of gossamer on its head。 I beckoned it to e near me; it stood soon at my knee。 I never spoke to it; and it never spoke to me; in words; but I read its eyes; and it read mine; and our speechless colloquy was to this effect—

“It was a fairy; and e from Elf…land; it said; and its errand was to make me happy: I must go with it out of the mon world to a lonely place—such as the moon; for instance—and it nodded its head towards her horn; rising over Hay…hill: it told me of the alabaster cave and silver vale where we might live。 I said I should like to go; but reminded it; as you did me; that I had no wings to fly。

“‘Oh;’ returned the fairy; ‘that does not signify! Here is a talisman will remove all difficulties;’ and she held out a pretty gold ring。 ‘Put it;’ she said; ‘on the fourth finger of my left hand; and I am yours; and you are mine; and we shall leave earth; and make our own heaven yonder。’ She nodded again at the moon。 The ring; Adèle; is in my breeches…pocket; under the disguise of a sovereign: but I mean soon to change it to a ring again。”

“But what has mademoiselle to do with it? I don’t care for the fairy: you said it was mademoiselle you would take to the moon?”

“Mademoiselle is a fairy;” he said; whispering mysteriously。 Whereupon I told her not to mind his badinage; and she; on her part; evinced a fund of genuine French scepticism: denominating Mr。 Rochester “un vrai menteur;” and assuring him that she made no account whatever of his “contes de fee;” and that “du reste; il n’y avait pas de fées; et quand meme il y en avait:” she was sure they would never appear to him; nor ever give him rings; or offer to live with him in the moon。

The hour spent at Millcote was a somewhat harassing one to me。 Mr。 Rochester obliged me to go to a certain silk warehouse: there I was ordered to choose half…a…dozen dresses。 I hated the business; I begged leave to defer it: no—it should be gone through with now。 By dint of entreaties expressed in energetic whispers; I reduced the half…dozen to two: these however; he vowed he would select himself。 With anxiety I watched his eye rove over the gay stores: he fixed on a rich silk of the most brilliant amethyst dye; and a superb pink satin。 I told him in a new series of whispers; that he might as well buy me a gold gown and a silver bon at once: I should certainly never venture to wear his choice。 With infinite difficulty; for he was stubborn as a stone; I persuaded him to make an exchange in favour of a sober black satin and pearl…grey silk。 “It might pass for the present;” he said; “but he would yet see me glittering like a parterre。”

Glad was I to get him out of the silk warehouse; and then out of a jewellers shop: the more he bought me; the more my cheek burned with a sense of annoyance and degradation。 As we re…entered the carriage; and I sat back feverish and fagged; I remembered what; in the hurry of events; dark and bright; I had wholly forgotten—the letter of my uncle; John Eyre; to Mrs。 Reed: his intention to adopt me and make me his legatee。 “It would; indeed; be a relief;” I thought; “if I had ever so small an independency; I never can bear being dressed like a doll by Mr。 Rochester; or sitting like a second Danae with the golden shower falling daily round me。 I will write to Madeira the moment I get home; and tell my uncle John I am going to be married; and to whom: if I had but a prospect of one day bringing Mr。 Rochester an accession of fortune; I could better endure to be kept by him now。” And somewhat relieved by this idea (which I failed not to execute that day); I ventured once more to meet my master’s and lover’s eye; which most pertinaciously sought mine; though I averted both face and gaze。 He smiled; and I thought his smile was such as a sultan might; in a blissful and fond moment; bestow on a slave his gold and gems had enriched: I crushed his hand; which was ever hunting mine; vigorously; and thrust it back to him red with the passionate pressure。

“You need not look in that way;” I said; “if you do; I’ll wear nothing but my old Lowood frocks to the end of the chapter。 I’ll be married in this lilac gingham: you may make a dressing…gown for yourself out of the pearl…grey silk; and an infinite series of waistcoats out of the black satin。”

He chuckled; he rubbed his hands。 “Oh; it is rich to see and hear her?” he exclaimed。 “Is she original? Is she piquant? I would not exchange this one little English girl for the Grand Turk’s whole seraglio; gazelle…eyes; houri forms; and all!”

The Eastern allusion bit me again。 “I’ll not stand you an inch in the stead of a seraglio;” I said; “so don’t consider me an equivalent for one。 If you have a fancy for anything in that line; away with you; sir; to the bazaars of Stamboul without delay; and lay out in extensive slave…purchases some of that spare cash you seem at a loss to spend satisfactorily here。”

“And what will you do; Ja; while I am bargaining for so many tons of flesh and such an assortment of black eyes?”

“I’ll be preparing myself to go out as a missionar

