
小说园>flipped英文版百度 > 第9部分(第2页)


about every little thing; so what? Get in; get your question

answered; and get out。 Stand up to her; for cryin out loud!”

“Rick …;” my mom was saying; “Rick; calm down。 He did find out what you asked him to — ”

“No; he didnt!”

“What do you mean?”

“He tells me theyre all chickens! Of course theyre all chickens! The question is how many

are hens; and how many are roosters。”

I could almost hear the click in my brain; and man; I felt like a plete doofus。 No wonder

he was disgusted with me。 I was an idiot! They were

all chickens … du…uh! Garrett acted like he was some expert on chickens; and he didnt know

diddly…squat! Why had I listened to him?

But it was too late。 My dad was convinced I was a coward; and to get me over it; he decided

that what I should do was take the carton of eggs

back to the Bakers and tell them we didnt eat eggs; or that we were allergic to them; or


Then my mom butts in with; “What are you teaching him here; Rick? None of that is true。 If

he returns them; shouldnt he tell them the truth?”

“What; that youre afraid of salmonella poisoning?”

“Me? Arent you a little concerned; too?”

“Patsy; thats not the point。 The point is; I will not have a coward for a son!”

“But teaching him to lie?”

“Fine。 Then just throw them away。 But from now on I expect you to look that little tiger square

in the eye; you hear me?”

“Yes; sir。”

“Okay; then。”

I was off the hook for all of about eight days。 Then there she was again; at seven in the

morning; bouncing up and down on our porch with eggs in

her hands。 “Hi; Bryce! Here you go。”

I tried to look her square in the eye and tell her; No thanks; but she was so darned happy;

and I wasnt really awake enough to tackle the tiger。

She wound up pushing another carton into my hands; and I wound up ditching them in the

kitchen trash before my father sat down to breakfast。

This went on for two years。 Two years! And it got to a point where it was just part of my

morning routine。 Id be on the lookout for Juli so I could

whip the door open before she had the chance to knock or ring the bell; and then Id bury the

