
小说园>海伦凯勒人物传记英语 > 第6部分(第1页)


swirled and tumbled about me。 An unreasoning resentment flashed through

me at this ruthless destruction of the beauty that I love。 But there is

no anger; no resentment in nature。 The air is equally charged with the

odours of life and of destruction; for death equally with growth forever

ministers to all…conquering life。 The sun shines as ever; and the winds

riot through the newly opened spaces。 I know that a new forest will

spring where the old one stood; as beautiful; as beneficent。

Touch sensations are permanent and definite。 Odours deviate and are

fugitive; changing in their shades; degrees; and location。 There is

something else in odour which gives me a sense of distance。 I should

call it horizon……the line where odour and fancy meet at the farthest

limit of scent。

Smell gives me more idea than touch or taste of the manner in which

sight and hearing probably discharge their functions。 Touch seems to

reside in the object touched; because there is a contact of surfaces。 In

smell there is no notion of relievo; and odour seems to reside not in

the object smelt; but in the organ。 Since I smell a tree at a distance;

it is prehensible to me that a person sees it without touching it。 I

am not puzzled over the fact that he receives it as an image on his

retina without relievo; since my smell perceives the tree as a thin

sphere with no fullness or content。 By themselves; odours suggest

nothing。 I must learn by association to judge from them of distance; of

place; and of the actions or the surroundings which are the usual

occasions for them; just as I am told people judge from colour; light;

and sound。

From exhalations I learn much about people。 I often know the work they

are engaged in。 The odours of wood; iron; paint; and drugs cling to the

garments of those that work in them。 Thus I can distinguish the

carpenter from the ironworker; the artist from the mason or the chemist。

one place to another I get a scent

impression of where he has been……the kitchen; the garden; or the

sick…room。 I gain pleasurable ideas of freshness and good taste from the

odours of soap; toilet water; clean garments; woollen and silk stuffs;

and gloves。

I have not; indeed; the all…knowing scent of the hound or the wild

animal。 None but the halt and the blind need fear my skill in pursuit;

