
小说园>有些道理 > 第13部分(第1页)


第一节 面试官的“好”与“恶”(6)

* In meetings with individuals; outlines responsibilities and standards clearly。 与人面谈时, 清楚表明职责与标准。

* Confronts people directly and openly; but discreetly; over poor performance。 直接而开诚布公地批评别人, 同时也保持谨慎。

* Seeks feedback and considers it carefully。 主动询问别人对自己的看法, 仔细斟酌。

* Works with others to bring strengths to projects that she may lack。 主动和他人合作, 弥补自己在某个方面的不足。

* Considers herhis approach at meetings or in projects to suit needs of others; rather than own preferences。 在开会或做项目的时候, 考虑自己的举措是否符合他人的需要, 而不是自己的喜好。

* Develops the habit of checking what others are thinking by asking ‘Am I being clear?’ ‘Let me check what you are thinking at this stage’。 养成询问别人想法的固定习惯, 经常这样问: “您清楚了吗?”“让我听听您现在是怎么想的。”

* Treats the concerns of other departments as important。 拿别人的事儿当回事儿, 重视其他部门的想法。

* Co…operates to meet team goals even at expense of personal preferences。 为了团队目标, 摒弃个人好恶。

* Fails to recognise or establish different customers’ needs。 没有意识到不同客户有不同的需求。

* Keeps customer feedback to himself or herself and does not share learning。 没有把客户的反馈分享给大家。

* Treats all customers in the same way。 以同样方式对待所有顾客。(备注: 你email的口吻, 是否从来不变?是否因为对方是豪放的人而少一分客气?是否因为对方是谨小慎微的人而多一分严谨?)

4。 Entrepreneurship 有开拓型思维

Definition: 这个能力是什么?

Why is it important? 这个能力为什么重要?

This is about the ability to formulate new ideas or to adapt or use existing ideas in a new or unexpected way to solve problems; and to think ahead to spot or create opportunities and maximise them。 有创新想法, 或者以一种全新的、 出人意料的方式调整或应用现有的方法解决问题, 而且有前瞻性,能发现并制造机会, 并将机会最大化。

Within the organisation; this behaviour is about making changes that increase the effectiveness of our work。 Externally; it is about increasing our petitiveness。 It is important to understand that everyone can make a difference。 在机构内部, 这种能力可以使我们提高工作的有效性。在机构外部, 它使我们增强竞争力。每个人都有创新能力。


Improves and acts now 追求进步, 并立刻行动


Adapts existing approach and acts & looks ahead 调整现有方法, 并有前瞻性


Anticipates the future; and develops new products & services 预测未来, 开发新产品和新服务


Creates opportunities & acts for the long term 创造机会, 按照长远目标采取行动

Addresses current opportunities and problems by improving and adapting existing approaches。 通过改善和应用现有方法, 抓住眼下的机会, 解决当前问题。

Identifies and exploits opportunities in the short…term。 Applies own know…

第一节 面试官的“好”与“恶”(7)

ledge and expertise to developing new approaches to exploiting these。 判断并利用短期机会。应用自己的知识和技能开发新方法, 以利用这些机会。

Able to spot opportunities and problems in the medium…term (3 to12 months); and develops new approaches; products and services based on these。 Uses networks to seek fresh ideas。 能够看到中期机会(3至12个月), 并开发新方法、 新产品和新服务。使用人际网络寻找新想法。

Sees and acts on long…term (beyond 12 months) opportunities and problems。 Formulates pletely new and off the wall ideas and concepts; which create a potential opportunity; and uses innovative approaches to allow them to be realised。 These may address underlying needs that have not yet been identified by customers。 能看到长期的机遇和挑战(超过12个月), 并以此采取行动。创立全新的或者“闻所未闻”的新想法和新观念, 并制造潜在的机遇, 并使用独创性的方法实现创新想法。这些行动可能会解决客户自己尚且没有看到的潜在问题。

Warning signs: 令面试官“恶”的行为

