
小说园>托福1000分什么水平 > 第43部分(第1页)


2。 Reaction from the public and press was immediate and derisive。 公众和媒体立即作出了讥讽的反应。

同义 proximal(a。 最接近的)

派生 immediately(ad。 立即地)

要点 副词immediately在托福阅读中也多次出现,表示“紧靠地”,比如:Immediately adjacent to the timberline; the tundra consists of a cover of low…lying shrubs; herbs; and grasses。

imply[implai]v。 意味着;暗示,暗指

例句 1。 More recent data implies that at least some parts of the planet did experience long periods during which liquid water existed on the surface。 更新的数据意味着在很长一段时间中,至少这个星球一部分的地表上曾有液态水存在。

2。 Signs on the skeletal remains of prehistoric figures; including arm…bone size and injury marks; imply that these are the remains of people who were right…handed。 包括臂骨尺寸和受伤痕迹等史前人类遗骨显示的迹象意味着这些都是右撇子人的遗体。

3。 In the technical sense; noise implies a random chaotic disturbance that is usually unwanted。 从技术层面讲,噪音就是通常令人讨厌的杂乱干扰。

要点 在阅读中,imply; allude和indicate都能表示“暗指,影射”的意思,当读到这些词的时候,要注意相关内容之间存在的联系。

inaccurate[in?kj?r?t]a。 错误的;不准确的

例句 The view that the environment of Mayan people is jungle or tropical rainforest is proved to be inaccurate。 玛雅人生活在丛林或雨林中的观点被证明是错误的。

inconclusive[?ink?nklu:siv]a。 非决定性的;无结果的

例句 If the observed data from their studies are inconclusive; the researchers are not able to make generalizations。 如果研究员从研究中观察到的数据是非决定性的,那么他们就无法概括出结论。

同义 indefinite(a。 非决定性的)

indication[?indikei?n]n。 指出;表示;象征

例句 1。 The difference between the two results provides the researcher with an indication of the level and duration of the response to the stimuli。 两个不同的结果为研究人员提供了可以得知对这些刺激作出反应的程度和持续时间的指示。

2。 These records provide broadly consistent indications that temperature variations can occur on a global scale。 这些记录提供了广泛一致的指示——温度变化会在全球范围内发生。

indirect[?ind?rekt]a。 间接的,迂回的;不直截了当的

例句 Certainly; rational appeals in advertising aimed at children are limited; as most advertisements use emotional and indirect appeals to the infants psychological states。 当然,面向儿童的广告中的理性吸引总是有限的,因为这些广告总是对儿童的心理状态施加情绪化和间接化的吸引。

initial[ini?l]a。 开始的,最初的 n。 词首大写字母

例句 The researchers evaluate that the initial training of the same teachers to view events objectively will take about 20 to 30 hours。 研究者估计,最初训练同一批教师客观看待事件的能力大约需要20到30小时。

initially[ini??li]ad。 开头,最初,首先

例句 Each soldier received his pay; but in regions without a developed economy there was initially little things to buy。 每名士兵都得到了薪水,但在那些经济不够发达的地区,一开始没有什么可买的东西。

instance[inst?ns]n。 例子,事例

例句 An abandoned field; for instance; will be invaded by various kinds of herbaceous plants and eventually form a forest。 举例来说,一片荒地会被不同种类的草本植物侵占,并最终形成一片森林。

intentionally[inten??n?li]ad。 有意地,特意地

例句 The species of fungus maintained its normal daily periods of biological activity for about a week when it was intentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues in a space shuttle。 当这种真菌在太空舱中被有意地隔绝了所有的地球物理的定时信号时,其正常的日常生理活动大约可以维持一周。

要点 intentionally用来表明做某事是特意的或者故意的,表明一种主动性。在文章中可能也会用deliberately来代替。

intrinsic[intrinsik]a。 固有的;本质的;内在的

搭配 intrinsic value 内在价值

例句 1。 Increased agricultural production boosted rural industry; which is an intrinsic part of the expansion of industry。 农业生产的增长促进了乡村产业,这是产业扩张的一个内在部分。

2。 During their growing period; parents should take their responsibility to teach children the intrinsic value of good behavior。 在孩子的成长阶段,家长有责任教导他们何为良好品行的内在价值。

同义 inherent(a。 固有的;本质的;内在的)

