
小说园>gossip 的英文怎么写 > 第11部分(第1页)


her dramatic departure from Marcus?s hometown。 Had he even noticed she was gone?

??this is the perfect opportunity for you to find some work for the summer。 A job。?

Awhat ? No prende; se?ora。

The room was spinning。 ?What did you just say; Mom? Ajob ??

?Yes; dear。 A job。?

Blair fell back onto the pillows and threw her arm over her eyes。 ?But I?lldie if I have to work。?

?Don?t overreact;? Eleanor insisted。 ?It?ll be a terrific experience before starting school。?

?Haveyou ever worked?? Blair demanded。 She began to flip through the magazine angrily;

almost tearing the pages as she turned them。 She?d just fled a country; having been spurned by the

love of her life。 A lecture from her never…worked…a…day…in…her…life mother on the merits of

employment and pulling herself up by her bootstraps was the absolutelast thing she needed。

?That?s beside the point;? Eleanor replied evenly。 ?We?re not talking about me; we?re talking

about you helping to pay some of these exorbitant bills。 If you?re going to spend this much;

you?re going to have to earn something。?

Workfor the summer? Blair closed her eyes?no one she knew was working during this; their last

summer vacation ever。 No one! Well; except for Nate; but that was a punishment。 There was

Serena; too; but that wasn?t really a job?it was a dream e true。

Blair?s eyes suddenly came to rest on the page in front of her。Speak of the fucking devil 。 There;

smack…dab in the middle of Suzy?s latest reports on all the society gossip; was a photograph of

Serena van der Woodsen arm in arm with the designer Bailey Winter。 Blair remembered when that

photograph had been taken; at Winter?s runway presentation the previous season。 She and Serena

had been seated in the front row?naturally?and when the designer had e out to take his final

bow; he?d noticed Serena in the audience and pulled her up onto the runway with him。

Tuning out her mother?s relentless drone; Blair scanned the page to see whether there was some

news about Serena。 And indeed there was: Suzy?s column was all about how Bailey Winter had

signed on with Ken Mogul to provide the costumes for Mogul?s new film project;Breakfast at

Fred?s。 It wasn?t enough that Serena got to star in a movie with Thaddeus Smith; she also got to

wear custom designs by one of the best living American designers?

?I just think it?s a matter of responsibility; Blair;? her mother declared。 ?You know; when you

turn twenty…one you?ll get access to your trust fund; and your father and Cyrus and I need to know

that you?ll handle the money responsibly。 We feel very strongly that a job is the perfect way for

you to learn to manage money and carry out other people?s wishes; not just your own。?

Blair glared at the ugly eggplant…colored bedspread。 Fine; she?d get a summer job。 But she was

not going to settle for anything less than the most glamorous summer job imaginable。

?You know;? she mused; ?maybe you?re right。 Maybe a job is just what I need to keep myself

busy this summer。?

