
小说园>gossip girl的dan > 第11部分(第2页)


Vanessa blushed; embarrassed; and then reminded her…self she wasn?t admiring Chuck Bass;

necessarily; just his various physical attributes。 The truth was; her type was a little skinnier and

paler than Chuck。 The thought of Dan suddenly tugged the corners of her mouth down。

?Chin up; dear! Where?s that smile gone?? Bailey Winter clapped his hands once; twice; three

times; like a demented cheerleader。

Vanessa tried to will a smile onto her face; but somehow the thought of Dan had tainted

everything。 She missed him。 And Chuck Bass?s beefy chest was no substitute for love。 Vanessa

sighed; panning the camera around the property?s emerald green lawn。 Once again; all she really

had was her art。

She trained the camera back on Chuck; who was now leaning up against the edge of the pool

chatting with Stefan。 Sweetie bobbed up and down behind him; teasing the pugs; which were

barking angrily。

?Girls! Please! Quiet down!? Bailey stuck his fingers in his mouth and gave a shrill; surprisingly

loud whistle。 ?Daddy is working! I can?t concentrate with all this racket!?

?Sorry; Bailey。? Chuck turned and grinned over his shoulder。 ?I?ll try and make sure Sweetie

doesn?t bother them。?

?What is that plague…ridden monster doing in my swimming pool anyway?? Bailey screeched;

his skin turning from bronze to scarlet。

Vanessa focused her camera on the other side of the pool; and it was immediately clear to her

what that plague…ridden animal was doing: Bailey?s discarded pencil wasn?t the only thing

floating on the pool?s surface。

?Tell me that is not what I think it is!? Bailey was definitely screaming now。

?I?m sorry; Bailey。? Chuck waded toward the offending turd。 ?Sweetie can?t control himself


?Get out! Get out! I will not have you turn my sanctum sanctorum into some kind of sewer! This

is East Hampton; not Calcutta!?

Vanessa pushed herself up from the divan; using both hands to steady the camera as she zoomed

in quickly。 This was a cinematicgold mine。

Yeah; or a land mine。

Air Mail … Par Avion … July 12

Dear Jenny;

I?m gay。



back in time

?We?re h…o…o…o…o…o…me!? Serena?s voice echoed through the foyer and deep into her parents?

