There was the Nate of Monet; the impressionist style; and Nate of Picasso; with eyes on the
feet; and Nate of Dalí; dripping a puddle on the sidewalk; and Nate of Warhol; with electric
green eyes and hair in; gold; Nate of Pollock; with the ink respingada in the form of a
head; and Nate of Changall; with the head of Nate flying at night sky。
… You like? … Jenny asked full of hope。 _ Im trying to copy all the different styles。 The
Pollock is one of the most difficult。
Nate looked gaping the paintings on the wall。 Pollock did not know what was; not recognized
any of the styles of other artists who use Jenny; but he recognized six times and that was
enough to make it stop。
…So it is that I spent most of the time…Jenny explained cheerfully。 Nate was so lovely
talking to her father that she was even more in love with him。 Courageously; she stood
tiptoe and put their hands on his shoulders。 …I kind of wanted to kiss you all night …
sussurou it with the voice rouxa; Nate was hard; but not the way you think。
Yes normally such moves would make a beautiful erection; but Nate had just had a very clear
framework for moving Jenny hours alone in a room painting those retartos good; but extremely
strange; him。
The case was that he had said to Jenny that I loved her。 And that means he was sincere all
the time。 But is she now hoped that he; like; so deflorasse or something?
He kissed a light in the mouth。
…I better go。 I have to make the bags for tomorrow; those things。
Jenny wrinkle the forehead。
…Oh; please do not go … she laughed and looked at the floor。 … Im still as dental floss。
Nate had to leave before it started to get the clothes in front of her collection of art。
Fortunately not had to invent a good excuse to go immediately; because his cell phone rang。
He took the pocket of the Colca and looked the number it flashes on the screen。 It was
So…man; where are you?
…We are about to find that the bar of the Rivington。 You know; the one where Charlie was
expelled by a light pipe of stuff in the output of a fire。
…All right; calm … insistruiu Nate; thinking that if we do that the call seemed urgent;
Jenny would let him leave。
…Huh? … Jeremy said。
I…I il … Nate hung up and took the hand of Jenny。 …Sorry; Jennifer; ams I really gotta go。
Jeremy said that Charlie and Antony took an E and are freaking。 I have to go help the guys