
小说园>简爱英文版每章好句摘抄 > 第52部分(第1页)


I was silent: I thought he mocked me。

“e; Jane—e hither。”

“Your bride stands between us。”

He rose; and with a stride reached me。

“My bride is here;” he said; again drawing me to him; “because my equal is here; and my likeness。 Jane; will you marry me?”

Still I did not answer; and still I writhed myself from his grasp: for I was still incredulous。

“Do you doubt me; Jane?”


“You have no faith in me?”

“Not a whit。”

“Am I a liar in your eyes?” he asked passionately。 “Little sceptic; you shall be convinced。 What love have I for Miss Ingram? None: and that you know。 What love has she for me? None: as I have taken pains to prove: I caused a rumour to reach her that my fortune was not a third of what was supposed; and after that I presented myself to see the result; it was coldness both from her and her mother。 I would not—I could not—marry Miss Ingram。 You— you strange; you almost unearthly thing!—I love as my own flesh。 You—poor and obscure; and small and plain as you are—I entreat to accept me as a husband。”

“What; me!” I ejaculated; beginning in his earnestness—and especially in his incivility—to credit his sincerity: “me who have not a friend in the world but you… if you are my friend: not a shilling but what you have given me?”

“You; Jane; I must have you for my own—entirely my own。 Will you be mine? Say yes; quickly。”

“Mr。 Rochester; let me look at your face: turn to the moonlight。”


“Because I want to read your countenance—turn!”

“There! you will find it scarcely more legible than a crumpled; scratched page。 Read on: only make haste; for I suffer。”

His face was very much agitated and very much flushed; and there were strong workings in the features; and strange gleams in the eyes

“Oh; Jane; you torture me!” he exclaimed。 “With that searching and yet faithful and generous look; you torture me!”

“How can I do that? If you are true; and your offer real; my only feelings to you must be gratitude and devotion—they cannot torture。”

“Gratitude!” he ejaculated; and added wildly—“Jane accept me quickly。 Say; Edward—give me my name—Edward—I will marry you。”

“Are you in earnest? Do you truly love me? Do you sincerely wish me to be your wife?”

“I do; and if an oath is necessary to satisfy you; I swear it。”

“Then; sir; I will marry you。”

“Edward—my little wife!”

“Dear Edward!”

“e to me—e to me entirely now;” said he; and added; in his deepest tone; speaking in my ear as his cheek was laid on mine; “Make my happiness—I will make yours。”

“God pardon me!” he subjoined ere long; “and man meddle not with me: I have her; and will hold her。”

“There is no one to meddle; sir。 I have no kindred to interfere。”

“No—that is the best of it;” he said。 And if I had loved him less I should have thought his accent and look of exultation savage; but; sitting by him; roused from the nightmare of parting—called to the paradise of union—I thought only of the bliss given me to drink in so abundant a flow。 Again and again he said; “Are you happy; Jane?” And again and again I answered; “Yes。” After which he murmured; “It will atone—it will atone。 Have I not found her friendless; and cold; and fortless? Will I not guard; and cherish; and solace her? Is there not love in my heart; and constancy in my resolves? It will expiate at God’s tribunal。 I know my Maker sanctions what I do。 For the world’s judgment—I wash my hands thereof。 For man’s opinion—I defy it。”

But what had befallen the night? The moon was not yet set; and we were all in shadow: I could scarcely see my master’s face; near as I was。 And what ailed the chestnut tree? it writhed and groaned; while wind roared in the laurel walk; and came sweeping over us。

“We must go in;” said Mr。 Rochester: “the weather changes。 I could have sat with thee till morning; Jane。”

