boring pared to the parts they play or the songs they sing。 There?s nothing boring about me or
my friends; and the more I tell you about us; the more you?re going to want to know。 I?ve kept
quiet until now; but something has happened and I just can?t stay quiet about it。 。 。 。
the greatest story ever told
We learned in our first eleventh…grade creative writing class this week that most great stories
begin in one of the following fashions: someone mysteriously disappears or a stranger es to
town。 The story I?m about to tell is of the ?someone mysteriously disappears? variety。
To be specific;S isgone。
In order to unravel the mystery of why she?s left and where she?s gone; I?m going to have to
backtrack to last winter?the winter of our sophomore year?when the La Mer skin cream hit the fan
and our pretty pink rose…scented bubble burst。 It all started with three inseparable; perfectly
innocent; ?ber…gorgeous fifteen…year…olds。 Well; they?re sixteen now; and let?s just say that two of
them arenot that innocent。
If anyone is going to tell this tale it has to be me; because I was at the scene of every crime。 So
sit back while I unravel the past and reveal everyone?s secrets; because I know everything; and
what I don?t know I?ll invent; elaborately。
Admit it: you?re already falling for me。
Love you too 。 。 。
gossip girl
the best stories begin with one boy and two girls
?Truce!? Serena van der Woodsen screamed as Nate Archibald body…checked her into a
three…foot…high drift of powdery white snow。 Cold and wet; it tunneled into her ears and down her
pants。 Nate dove on top of her; all five…foot eleven inches of his perfect; golden…brown…haired;
glittering…green…eyed; fifteen…year…old boyness。 Nate smelled like Downy and the Kiehl?s
sandalwood soap the maid stocked his bathroom with。 Serena just lay there; trying to breathe with
him on top of her。 ?My scalp is cold;? she pleaded; getting a mouthful of Nate?s snow…dampened;
godlike curls as she spoke。
Nate sighed reluctantly; as if he could have spent all day outside in the frigid February meat
locker that was the back garden of his family?s Eighty…second…Street…just…off…Park…Avenue
Manhattan town house。 He rolled onto his back and wriggled like Serena?s long…dead golden
retriever; Guppy; when she used to let him loose on the green grass of the Great Lawn in Central
Park。 Then he stood up; awkwardly dusting off the seat of his neatly pressed Brooks Brothers
khakis。 It was Saturday; but he still wore the same clothes he wore every weekday as a sophomore