
小说园>Rainbow儿童英文版 > 第88部分(第3页)


And then suddenly she started back; running swiftly。 He was

there; beside her; but only on sufferance。 He was a screen for

her fears。 He served her。 She took him; she clasped him;

clenched him close; but her eyes were open looking at the stars;

it was as if the stars were lying with her and entering the

unfathomable darkness of her womb; fathoming her at last。 It was

not him。

The dawn came。 They stood together on a high place; an

earthwork of the stone…age men; watching for the light。 It came

over the land。 But the land was dark。 She watched a pale rim on

the sky; away against the darkened land。 The darkness became

bluer。 A little wind was running in from the sea behind。 It

seemed to be running to the pale rift of the dawn。 And she and

he darkly; on an outpost of the darkness; stood watching for the


The light grew stronger; gushing up against the dark sapphire

of the transparent night。 The light grew stronger; whiter; then

over it hovered a flush of rose。 A flush of rose; and then

yellow; pale; new…created yellow; the whole quivering and

poising momentarily over the fountain on the skys rim。

The rose hovered and quivered; burned; fused to flame; to a

transient red; while the yellow urged out in great waves; thrown

from the ever…increasing fountain; great waves of yellow

flinging into the sky; scattering its spray over the darkness;

which became bluer and bluer; paler; till soon it would itself

be a radiance; which had been darkness。

The sun was ing。 There was a quivering; a powerful

terrifying swim of molten light。 Then the molten source itself

surged forth; revealing itself。 The sun was in the sky; too

powerful to look at。

And the ground beneath lay so still; so peaceful。 Only now

and again a cock crew。 Otherwise; from the distant yellow hills

to the pine trees at the foot of the downs; everything was newly

washed into being; in a flood of new; golden creation。

It was so unutterably still and perfect with promise; the

