
小说园>我的名字叫红翻译版本 > 第55部分(第3页)


to  one  of  the  kiosks  near  the  shore?  Was  He  in  the  harem?  Was  the  Head

Treasurer in His pany?

Much  later;  I  was  summoned。  Let  me  put  it  this  way:  I  was  taken  so

unawares  I  had  no  time  to  be  afraid。  Even  so;  I  panicked  when  I  saw  the

respect  and  astonishment  in  the  expression  of  the  master  velvet  maker

standing at the door。 I stepped inside and was at once terrified; I thought I’d

be unable to speak。 He wore the gold embroidered headdress that only he and

the  Grand  Viziers  wore;  yes;  I  was  in  the  presence  of  the  Head  Treasurer。  He

was gazing upon the illustrations that rested on a reading table where the clerk

had placed them after taking them from me。 I felt as if I were the one who’d

made the paintings。 I kissed the hem of his robe。


“My dear child;” he said。 “I haven’t misunderstood; have I; your Enishte has

passed away?”

I couldn’t answer out of excitement; or perhaps guilt; and simply nodded。

At  the  same  time  the  pletely  unexpected  happened:  There  before  the

sympathetic and surprised gaze of the Head Treasurer; a teardrop slid ever so

slowly  down  my  cheek。  I  was  at  a  loss;  I  was  oddly  affected  by  being  in  the

palace; by the Head Treasurer having taken leave of Our Sultan to speak to me

and by being so near to Him。 Tears began to stream from my eyes; but I didn’t

feel the slightest tinge of embarrassment。

“Cry to your heart’s content; my dear son;” said the Head Treasurer。

I  sobbed  and  whimpered。  Though  I’d  assumed  the  past  twelve  years  had

matured me; being this close to the Sultan; to the heart of the Empire; one fast

realizes  he  is  but  a  child。  I  cared  not  whether  the  silversmiths  and  velvet

makers outside heard my sobbing。 I knew I’d confess to the Head Treasurer。

Yes;  I  told  him  all;  just  as  it  came  to  me。  As  I  once  again  saw  my  dead

Enishte; my marriage to Shekure; Hasan’s threats; the difficulties relating my

Enishte’s  book  and  the  secrets  borne  by  the  illustrations;  I  regained  my

posure。 I felt certain that the only way to extricate myself from the trap I’d

fallen into was to put myself at the mercy of the infinite justice and affection

of  Our  Sultan;  Refuge  of  the  World;  and  so  I  withheld  nothing。  Before

digesting all that I said and handing me over to the torturers and executioners;

would the Head Treasurer convey my story directly to Our Sultan?

“Let Enishte Effendi’s death be announced in the workshop without delay;”

said the Head Treasurer。 “I want the entire artists’ guild to attend his funeral。”

He  looked  at  me  to  ascertain  whether  I  might  have  any  objections。

Emboldened  by  his  interest;  I  expressed  my  concerns  about  the  culprit;  and

the  possible  motive  behind  the  deaths  of  my  Enishte  and  the  gilder  Elegant

