
小说园>gossip girl吧 > 第11部分(第1页)


illegal to smoke in American taxis。 But they were already on Park Avenue and Forty…seventh

Street; just around the corner from the Yale Club; so they got out anyway。

What a sight: a lovely brunette dressed exactly like Audrey Hepburn inBreakfast at Tiffany?s ;

two handsome; green…eyed; lacrosse…playing; neatly dressed boys; and a heart…wrenchingly

gorgeous blonde in jeans。 The Yale Club?s dress code forbade distressed denim; but Serena looked

so pretty in her jeans; no one cared。 As soon as they stepped into the club?s sparse; neoclassical

lobby; all the middle…aged Yale alums in J。Press suits stopped talking business and switched off

their BlackBerrys。 Oh; to be seventeen and irresistible!

As if any of them were ever this irresistible。

Lord Marcus took Nate up to his suite to show him some lacrosse trophy that only Nate would

appreciate; while Blair led Serena into the club?s lounge; where they settled in at the elegant bar

with its gold ceiling; polished wood floor; and dark wood paneling。 Of course they were used to

going out all the time; but it still felt extremely grown…up to be out at a private club bar on a

Saturday morning; especially when they were supposed to be glued to their textbooks; studying for

their final exams; which would begin on Monday。

?So; what are you going to say in your graduation speech?? Serena asked Blair。 ?What?s that Dr。

Seuss book?you know the one everyone always quotes from??

Blair rolled her eyes。 She was sonot quoting from that book。?Oh; The Places You?ll Go!?

The bow…tied bartender brought Blair?s drink first?a Ketel One martini straight up with an olive。

She took a sip and then stuck a cigarette into her cigarette holder。 She was enjoying the whole

cigarette holder thing so much; she planned to use it right up untilBreakfast at Fred?s came out

and all the girls started copying her。

Ergo; the difference between being trendy and being a trendsetter。

?Actually; I?m going to write about going after what you want and getting it;? she declared;

blowing smoke over the top of Serena?s pale blond head。 ?I never thought I?d get absolutely

everything I wanted。 But I kept trying; anyway; and now I have it。Everything 。?

Serena nodded。 ?I know what you mean。? The bartender brought her Tanqueray gin fizz and she

took a few tentative sips; wondering if she should tell Blair right now that when Ken Mogul?s

assistant had whispered in her ear; she?d asked Serena back for a second audition。 But things were

going so well with Blair at the moment; she didn?t want to ruin it。 Besides; even if she wound up

being offered the part; she wasn?t sure she wanted it。 She tried to think of something else to say;

something about getting what she?d always wanted; even though she?d never really wanted

anything?things just fell into her lap。

?I?m so in love with Nate;? she blurted out; trying to sound as thrilled with the way things had

turned out as Blair did。

Blair lit the end of her cigarette。 How easy it would be to accidentally set fire to Serena?s long

black eyelashes。 She surveyed the room; trying to decide whether or not to let her temper get the

