
小说园>gossip girl吧 > 第13部分(第2页)


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Blair scribbled the answer on the inside cover of her blue book。What are you wearing Monday?

she wrote next to it。

Why Monday?Serena wrote back before copying the answer Blair had given her。 Was it possible

that Blair already knew she?d been called back for a second audition?

Graduation?duh?!Blair scribbled back hastily。

Serena stared at the words Blair had written。 It was so typical of her not to have realized her

mistake。 The second audition was on Monday?and so was graduation。 Her parents were going to

be there。 Erik; her brother; had delayed his plans to spend the summer skiing in New Zealand with

Liesl; his bodacious chick…of…the…week; so that he could be there。 And Blair was giving a speech。


You don?t have to tell me if you don?t want to; Blair wrote; before racing through the next two

pages of her exam。

Serena watched her admiringly。 Blair totally deserved to go to Yale。 She was a plete whiz

when it came to tests。 Sunlight streamed into the chemistry lab windows and a bird chirped

merrily。 Serena sighed and began to scribble her name in the corner of page three of her nine…page


Serena van der Woodsen。 Breakfast at Fred?s;starring Serena van der Woodsen 。

Normally she didn?t daydream about things like this; but this was her first chance to star in a real

movie。 It was hard not to want it just a little bit。

Blair folded over the last page of her exam; rapidly scribbled in the answers; and then went back

to check her work。 Once she was satisfied that all was correct; she glanced up at their proctor; Mrs。

Crandall。 The overweight; red…faced teacher was busy filing her nails; which were painted an

atrocious dark beige; making her fingers look like the pig feet steeped in formaldehyde they?d had

to dissect in ninth…grade bio。 Blair shoved her paper out of the way and reached for Serena?s。

?Hey?? Serena started to object。

?Shush;?Blair whispered; already beginning to answer the unanswered questions。

Serena drew a smiley face on the page Blair was working on。 It was just like old times。 Except

for the fact that she was with Nate; and Blair was with her new British hunk。 She frowned。And she

was going to miss graduation; which was going to make Blair hate her all over again。


Too many boys; too many choices; too little time

Vanessa kept the white Morgane Le Fay dress Blair had bought for her to wear at graduation

stashed in her closet until Sunday night; the night before graduation。 The lights were off in the

apartment and she was all alone。 She stripped down to her black…and…white striped Jockeys and

slipped the dress on over her stubbly head; padding over to the full…length mirror on the back of

her bedroom door to check it out。

