
小说园>gossip girl吧 > 第15部分(第3页)


Oh; boy。

Directly behind old Father Mark was the black metal door with the words

PHYSICALEDUCATIONDEPARTMENTstenciled on it in white。 Nate stared at the door; his

glittering green eyes blinking in consternation。 Did the asterisk have something to do with

Coach?s Viagra?

Finally; he?s catching on!

D could use a little more love

?So in conclusion; who needs college?at least; right now? I?ve got my whole life to get educated。

Just like John Lennon of the Beatles once wrote; ?Love is all you need。 Love is all you need。 Love

is all you need。??

Dan surveyed the audience as he finished his speech; standing behind the wooden podium at the

front of the stage。 Riverside Prep?s informal graduation ceremony was held in the school

auditorium and felt very much like one of the off…kilter plays the drama department put on twice a

year。 Behind him; Dan?s forty…one other classmates were seated on folding chairs; their mouths

hanging open in shocked surprise。 Even Larry; their desperate…to…be…down…with…the…boys senior

homeroom teacher; kept chuckling nervously and glancing down at the thirty rows of faculty;

parents; and relatives seated in the gray velvet movie…theater…style seats below them; as if he were

wondering if he should explain that Dan?s speech was just another one of those goofy senior

pranks he and his boyz were always pullin?。

In the last row of seats; Rufus?s head was bowed; his fuzzy salt…and…pepper hair tied with the

festive orange ribbon that had e tied around the neck of the bottle of Veuve Clicquot

champagne he?d bought for them to drink later。 Jenny was holding his hand。 She looked up;

meeting Dan?s gaze across the rows of heads with her soulful brown eyes。You asshole; how could

you do this to our sweet; well…meaning Dad? her expression seemed to say。In case you didn?t

remember; education is everything to him。

Dan remained onstage to receive the E。 B。 White Writing Award; Riverside Prep?s award for

outstanding creative writing achievement。 ?Congratulations; son。? Their lisping; tall; young;

Russian…figure…skater…handsome principal; Dr。 Nesbitt; handed him the rolled…up piece of

parchment paper and shook his hand while a photographer snapped pictures。 Dr。 Nesbitt was a

lower…school dad who?d been acting principal for a year and a half?ever since Mr。 Coobie; the

previous principal; had gotten ousted after attempting to teach human development to the fifth

graders himself instead of hiring a professional。

The applause was thin and sporadic as Dan accepted the award and returned to his seat。 It was

bound to be after a speech like that。Don?t listen to your teachers? Let love be your teacher and

follow your heart? Love is all you need; love is all you need; love is all you need?


