
小说园>我的女友系小营 > 第八十章她是谁(第1页)


最后一班公交车,扯上几乎没什么人了,小雅一直靠在我肩膀,我们带着同一个耳机,里面放着一熟悉的歌,《Tonight I anna netbsp;1one in this house again tonight

I got the TV on,

the sound turned don and a bott1e of ine

Theres pinet the a11s around me

The ay that it as and net surrounds me

I11 never get over you a1kin aay

i ve never been the kind to ever 1et my fee1ings sho

and i thought that bein strong meant never 1osin your se1f netbsp;but i m just drunk enough to 1et go of my pain

To he11 ith my pride, 1et it fa11 1ike rain From my eyes

Tonight I anna netbsp;ou1d it he1p if I turned a sad song on

"a11 By myse1f" ou1d sure hit me hard no

that youre gone

or maybe unfo1d some o1d ye11o 1ost 1ove 1etters

Its gonna hurt bad before it gets better

But I11 never get over you by hidin this ay

Ive never been the kind to ever 1et my fee1ings sho

and i thought that bein strong meant never 1osin your se1f netbsp;but i m just drunk enough to 1et go of my pain

To he11 ith my pride, 1et it fa11 1ike rain From my eyes

Tonight I anna netbsp;听着伤感的音乐,我又想起了当时我们分手的时候,我也是这样,把自己关在房间里,让电视开着,音量调低,喝着啤酒呆,看着手机里的照片,始终不能接受小雅的离去。我也从未像这样让我的情绪毫无顾忌的流露,因为我一直认为一个坚强的人决不会丧失对自己情绪的控制,但我已经喝了许多酒试图摆脱痛苦,还管得上什么自尊,让泪像雨水一样从涌出来!








