
小说园>gossip girl第二季在线 > 第25部分(第3页)


years and was playing sad; slow; love songs back to back。

Gorgeously dressed couples held onto each other and swayed to

the lonesome riffs; barely moving beneath the soft lights。 The air

smelled of orchids and candle wax and raw fish and cigarette

smoke; and there was a peaceful sophistication to the evening that

was both unexpected and familiar。 It wasn’t the rocking slam…fest

that some had hoped for; but it wasn’t a bad party; either。 There

was still plenty of booze left; nothing had caught fire; and the cops

hadn’t shown up to card people。 Besides; the year was just getting

started—there were tons more parties to look forward to。

Nate and Blair were dancing together; her cheek against his chest;

both of their eyes closed; his lips brushing the top of her head。 Blair

had put her brain on pause; and her head was full of static。 She was

tired of dreaming up movies。 Right now; real life suited her just fine。

A few couples away; Chuck had his hands full of Jenny Humphrey。

Jenny wished the DJ would bring up the tempo。 She was trying to

dance as fast as she could; to keep Chuck from groping her; but it

was having the opposite effect。 Every time she moved her

shoulders; her boobs bounced out of her dress and practically hit

him in the face。

Chuck was absolutely delighted。 He put his arms around Jenny’s

waist and pulled her close; dancing off the dance floor and into the

ladies’ room。

“What are we doing?” Jenny said; confused。 She gazed up into his

eyes。 She knew Chuck was friends with Serena and Blair; and she

wanted to trust him。 But Chuck still hadn’t asked her what her name

was。 He’d barely spoken to her at all。

“I just want to kiss you;” Chuck said。 He bent his head down and

enveloped her mouth in his; pressing his tongue against her teeth

with such force that she let out a little gasp。 Jenny opened her

mouth and let him thrust his tongue deep into her throat。 She had

kissed boys before; playing games at parties。 But she’d never

tongue kissed like this。 Is this what it’s supposed to feel like? she

wondered; suddenly feeling a little frightened。 She reached up and

pushed against Chuck’s chest; pulling her head away from him;

desperate for air。

“I have to go to the bathroom;” she mumbled; stumbling backwards

into a stall and locking the door。

She could see Chuck’s feet; standing outside the stall。

“All right;” he said。 “But I’m not finished with you yet。”

