
小说园>gossip girl第三季 > 第18部分(第2页)


The cab easily navigated the short distance from the tangled streets of the West Village to the wide streets of Tribeca and dropped them off in front of the purple awning of the Tribeca Star hotel; where they had checked in earlier in the day。

Blair confidently led Pete to the elevator bank; where two girls were also waiting; looking miserable and cold in matching backless dresses and five…inch heels。 Blair smiled benevolently at the younger girls; feeling infinitely superior and happy that she was so beyond the stage of dressing for shock value at parties。 It had never been her thing—Serena had always been the one to goad her into dressing scandalously; like the time they showed up at a Valentine’s party without underwear。

That’s one tradition not worth revisiting。

“After you; ladies;” Pete said as the elevator door slid open。 Once they reached the ninth floor; Blair and Pete followed the younger girls into the Bass suite。 Blair’s eyes adjusted to the dim light。 It looked just like all the dozens of other parties she’d been to at the suite: The hot tub was overcrowded with half…dressed girls; couples were making out on the leather couches; and the lonely; dateless girls were all clustered around the makeshift bar; desperately trying to make eye contact with any guy who passed their way。

“So; who is everyone?” Pete asked affably; smiling at the room in general。

Blair frowned; trying to spot any familiar faces in the crowd。

“Let’s see…” she began; before trailing off in disbelief。 Framed perfectly by the floor…to…ceiling window that overlooked downtown New York; she saw Serena—kissing someone。 She could only see the guy’s back; and Serena’s blond hair obscured her face。 Her white halter top was blindingly bright against the sea of black outside the window and her long; tanned limbs were clenched against the guy’s back。 She looked like she was trying to devour him。

For a split second; Blair was transfixed。 Then; as if stepping closer and closer to an Impressionist painting; Blair noticed the messy golden hair; the easy posture; the Stan Smith canvas sneakers。


She heard Pete say her name; but she didn’t respond。 She couldn’t blink。 Serena’s chin was tilted upward; and her eyes were half closed。 She looked totally blissful。 Just then; the pair pulled apart and Blair saw Nate’s face。 He was smiling happily and staring at Serena like the party didn’t exist; like the lame Justin Timberlake song wasn’t playing on the sound dock; like the L’école girls in the hot tub weren’t shrieking。 It was like Nate and Serena were in their own little world。

Blair felt like she was going to throw up。 How the fuck had this happened? Were they dating? And how could they just stand there; making out like that; oblivious to the entire world?

“We have to go。” She dug her fingernails tightly into Pete’s wrist。

“Ow!” Pete yanked his hand out of Blair’s grip。 “What are you doing?”

“Leaving;” Blair announced。 “I don’t feel well。” She would throw up if she stayed an extra minute。 She needed to get out。 She pushed her way past a gaggle of high school girls standing in a tight circle; not even noticing when she knocked one of the girl’s drinks out of her hand and onto the bodice of her ugly pink dress。

And that’s what she does to people who aren’t making out with her exes。

Blair and Pete wordlessly rode the elevator up to the eleventh floor。 Blair ran down the carpeted hallway and into their suite; where they’d gotten dressed only a couple of hours before。 She stalked over to the minibar and pulled out a tiny bottle of Absolut; unscrewed the cap; and drank it; not caring that she looked like an unstable alcoholic。

“What would you like to drink?” she asked; trying to stop her voice from shaking。

“Blair;” Pete said firmly。

“What? The party was lame anyway。 I think we should just celebrate here。 And I have stomach cramps;” she lied。 “Anyway; do you want vodka? Or Jack Daniel’s?”

“Blair。” Pete wrapped his strong arms around her waist and dragged her away from the minibar。 “Look at me。”

He pulled her onto the edge of the bed and cupped Blair’s chin。 It was a tender; sweet gesture he did dozens of times a day; but now; his touch made her recoil。 The tears that were threatening to fall sprang from her eyes。

“I’m fine;” Blair squeaked。

“No; you’re not;” Pete said gently。 “Last year; it was Tiffany; this year it’s New Year’s。 I don’t understand;” he said; a note of suspicion evident in his otherwise concerned voice。

“It’s…” Blair sighed。 “I’m just so tired;” she said finally。 She wanted to tell Pete how much seeing Serena and Nate had shaken her。 Being back in New York was like pulling a gigantic Band…Aid off her whole fucking life; exposing the raw; oozing parts

