
小说园>我的名字叫红最好译本 > 第57部分(第1页)


As  claimed  by  Abu  ?mer  bin  Abdülber;  the  interpretation  of  this  legend

doesn’t mean that the soul will possess a bird or even bee a bird itself; but

as the learned El Jevziyye aptly clarifies; it means that the soul can be found

where  birds  gather。  The  spot  from  which  I  was  observing  things;  what  the

Veian  masters  who  love  perspective  would  call  my  “point  of  view;”

confirmed El Jevziyye’s interpretation。

From  where  I  was;  for  example;  I  could  both  see  the  threadlike  funeral

procession  entering  the  cemetery;  and  with  the  pleasure  of  analyzing  a

painting; watch a sailboat gaining speed; its sails gorging on wind as it tacked

toward  Palace  Point;  where  the  Golden  Horn  met  the  Bosphorus。  Looking

down from the height of a minaret; the whole world resembled a magnificent

book whose pages I was examining one by one。

Still;  I  could  see  much  more  than  a  man  who’d  simply  ascended  to  such

heights without his soul having left his body; and furthermore; I could see it

all  at  once:  On  the  other  side  of  the  Bosphorus;  beyond  üsküdar;  among

gravestones   in   an   empty   yard;   children   playing   leapfrog;   the   graceful

progression of the Vizier of Diplomatic Affair’s ca?que propelled by seven pairs

of  oarsmen  twelve  years  and  seven  months  ago;  when  we  acpanied  the

Veian  ambassador  from  his  seaside  mansion  to  be  received  by  the  Grand

Vizier; Bald Ragip Pasha; a portly woman in the new Langa bazaar holding a

huge head of cabbage like a child she was about to nurse; my elation when the

Divan   Herald   Ramazan   Effendi   died;   opening   the   way   for   my   own

advancement; how I stared as a child from my grandmother’s lap at red shirts

while  my  mother  hung  the  laundry  to  dry  in  the  courtyard;  how  I  ran  to

distant neighborhoods in search of the midwife when Shekure’s mother; may

she rest in peace; had gone into labor; the location of the red belt I’d lost over

forty  years  ago  (I  know  now  that  Vasfi  stole  it);  the  splendid  garden  in  the

distance that I’d dreamed about once twenty…one years ago; which I pray Allah

will  one  day  confirm  is  Heaven;  the  severed  heads;  noses;  and  ears  sent  to


Istanbul  by  Ali  Bey;  the  Governor…General  of  Georgia;  who  suppressed  the

rebels in the fortress of Gori; and my beautiful; dear Shekure; who separated

herself  from  the  neighborhood  women  mourning  over  me  in  the  house  and

stared into the flames of the brick stove in our courtyard。

As is recorded in books and confirmed by scholars; the soul dwells in four

realms: 1。 the womb; 2。 the terrestrial world; 3。 Berzah; or divine limbo; where

I now await Judgment Day; and 4。 Heaven or Hell; where I will arrive after the


From  the  intermediate  state  of  Berzah;  past  and  present  time  appear  at

