
小说园>我的名字叫李红翻译 > 第42部分(第1页)


butchers; soldiers; priests and grocers in all the Frankish lands…They all have

their  portraits  made  this  way。  Just  a  glance  at  those  paintings  and  you  too

would  want  to  see  yourself  this  way;  you’d  want  to  believe  that  you’re

different  from  all  others;  a  unique;  special  and  particuliar  human  being。

Painting people; not as they are perceived by the mind; but as they are actually

seen by the naked eye; painting in the new method; allows for this possibility。

One  day  everyone  will  paint  as  they  do。  When  ”painting‘  is  mentioned;  the

world  will  think  of  their  work!  Even  a  poor  foolish  tailor  who  understands

nothing  of  illustrating  will  want  such  a  portrait  so  he  might  be  convinced;

upon seeing the unique curve of his nose; that he’s not an ordinary simpleton;

but an extraordinary man。“

“So? We can make that portrait; as well;” quipped the witty assassin。


“We  won’t!”  I  replied。  “Haven’t  you  learned  from  your  victim;  the  late

Elegant  Effendi;  how  afraid  we  are  of  being  labeled  imitators  of  the  Franks?

Even if we venture bravely to paint like them; it’ll amount to the same thing。

In  the  end;  our  methods  will  die  out;  our  colors  will  fade。  No  one  will  care

about our books and our paintings; and those who do express interest will ask

with a sneer; with no understanding whatsoever; why there’s no perspective—

or else they won’t be able to find the manuscripts at all。 Indifference; time and

disaster  will  destroy  our  art。  The  Arabian  glue  used  in  the  bindings  contains

fish; honey and bone; and the pages are sized and polished with a finish made

from  egg  white  and  starch。  Greedy;  shameless  mice  will  nibble  these  pages

away;  termites;  worms  and  a  thousand  varieties  of  insect  will  gnaw  our

manuscripts out of existence。 Bindings will fall apart and pages will drop out。

Women  lighting  their  stoves;  thieves;  indifferent  servants  and  children  will

thoughtlessly tear out the pages and pictures。 Child princes will scrawl over the

illustrations  with  toy  pens。  They’ll  blacken  people’s  eyes;  wipe  their  runny

noses  on  the  pages;  doodle  in  the  margins  with  black  ink。  And  religious

censors will blacken out whatever is left。 They’ll tear and cut up our paintings;

perhaps   use   them   to   make   other   pictures   or   for   games   and   such

entertainment。 While mothers destroy the illustrations they consider obscene;

fathers  and  older  brothers  will  jack  off  onto  the  pictures  of  women  and  the

pages  will  stick  together;  not  only  because  of  this;  but  also  due  to  being

smeared  with  mud;  water;  bad  glue;  spit  and  all  manner  of  filth  and  food。

Stains of mold and dirt will blossom like flowers where the pages have stuck

